Welcome to the FICAP Website!
FICAP was founded in order to strengthen, support and preserve the Florida independent concrete products producer through the sharing of ideas, education, promotion and leadership. The independent business owner is the backbone to this great country. Our members employ a large number of Florida residents, which means we keep Florida moving forward.
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What Do Our Members Say?
“While running and growing a business, I am constantly looking for better ways to do things or looking for solutions to solve problems. In our ever-changing world of technology there are so many resources available such as Google, Siri, Alexa & Watson to name a few, to get the information we need. Though these are typically a good way to get some quick feedback or ideas, it is not nearly as good as “The FICAP Way”. With literally hundreds of years of combined tenure and industry experience within the FICAP organization, I would challenge that one could bring up a situation that has not been experienced and that sound advice could not be solicited. Computers are smart, but I for one believe that the voices of experience can be smarter, hence why I value this organization so much.” - Adam Freeman, A-1 Block Corporation
"Getting to know the owners and operators of other concrete plants in Florida has been a fantastic experience. The ability to call on their knowledge and expertise, ask about their operations, how they do things or just share experiences is invaluable. Joining FICAP is one of the most profitable decisions we have ever made." - Mark Smith, Bell Concrete Products
“Friendships, it’s about friendships. I have come to value the many friendships I’ve developed through the years in FICAP. Additionally, FICAP feels like a big family. More experienced members share wisdom and advise to the younger. Many share experiences, concerns, helpful tips and when necessary, parts and supplies to assist a fellow member company in need. FICAP is a great organization and is a huge benefit to our company and the industry as a whole.” - Gary Clements, Cement Products & Supply Co.
“My Father sent me to meet with other independent concrete producers to talk about issues in the concrete industry. I found out that most everyone in the concrete industry had issues. A small group started meeting to solve these issues…FICAP. More meetings followed and one of the benefits was other members had already solved some of the issues I was having. I would always have good information to carry home with me to help our company. The best part is members and associates that I met became lifelong friends.” - Freddie Jahna, Jahna Concrete
“Maschmeyer Concrete has been a member of FICAP for 25 years. The benefits to our company have far exceeded the cost of dues and time invested. Most importantly, the relationships with producers and suppliers have been priceless.” - Troy Maschmeyer, Maschmeyer Concrete
“No other statewide organization’s main goal is to promote and look out for the interests of the Independent Block and Ready Mix Producer. FICAP provides college scholarships for the children of our members’ employees, funds a lobbyist who looks out for our interests in Tallahassee and a code specialist who monitors building codes for us. The flat fee dues structure provides a great bang for every member’s buck.” - Wade Mullins, Quality Precast Company
“I grew up in this industry. It has financially supported me for most of my life. It just makes sense for me to give back a little time and sweat by supporting a great organization like FICAP.” - Preston Sparkman, Quality Precast Company
PC Raffle Results
August 7 Winning #: 421 - Ramirez of R&R Rebar
August 14 Winning #: 648 - Doyal Logan of Quality Precast
August 21 Winning #: 147 - Jim Dombroski of Martin Marietta Materials
August 28 Winning #:
September 4 Winning #:
September 11 Winning #:
September 18 Winning #:
September 25 Winning #:
October 2 Winning #:
October 9 Winning #:
October 16 Winning #:
October 23 Winning #:
October 30 Winning #: